Our group is committed to supporting underprivileged families and individuals with their needs.
the Bible says in Matthew 9: 35-37, "Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." There are five community outreach and evangelism principles that Jesus initiated:
- Jesus went through towns and villages
- Jesus proclaimed the good news in houses of worship:
- Jesus healed the sick
- Jesus had compassion on the people
- Jesus involved his disciples
It is after these five principles of community outreach that we model our missions as detailed here below:
- Redeeming Africa is a ministry that is driven by compassion towards the needy. In its outreach endeavors Redeeming Africa follows the dictates in God’s Word as stated in various Books of the Bible and particularly in James 1:27, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” To this end, some of our key compassion driven outreach programs to the needy include supporting widows, orphans, providing food and clothing to street children, providing limited tuition assistance to qualifying students from poor families, renovating homes of some select families living in dilapidated structures, etc.
- Using God’s Word as a tool to effecting positive changes in people’s lives, Redeeming Africa uses various methods of evangelism such as door-to-door evangelism, open air campaigns in marketplaces, church planting, Gospel revival meetings in schools and churches, discipleship, youth camps, promoting congeniality between different people groups using the gospel as a tool of reconciliation and amicable co-existence.
- Redeeming Africa is deeply involved in improving people’s lives through Community Empowerment. This is in compliance with God’s Word in 1Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” To aid in this effort Redeeming Africa sponsors and supports the maintenance of a community water borehole in Lutuni village in Kenya, sponsors and supports the maintenance of a community farm in Lutuni village in Kenya as well as, sponsors and supports the maintenance as well as, provides creative and empowerment ideas through community engagement forums using God’s Word as the primary guide.

Above: A CBN video of Emily's well in Lutuni village, Kenya.

Drilling of the water well in progress at Lutuni village, Kenya in May 2012.
Our resolve to get water to our village and community began in 1998. Completely oblivious of God's plans and schedule we were simply moved by the suffering our people had endured for years. Emily and I began to pray and plan. In a period of fourteen years we endured numerous disappointments and false promises. However, all these turned out to be blessings in disguise as one day in 2011, God performed a miracle that has since transformed the image of our village. In May-June 2012 Lutuni village persistent water problem was finally solved. This miracle of water was as a result of persistent prayer and fasting. Finally Widows Mite Experience, a nonprofit organization in the USA founded by Janet Baker, accepted God's challenge to get this project completed. As Janet and her partners channeled their resources through CBN to dig this well, the euphoria in Lutuni village was gathering. Finally the well was completed and dedicated to God on June 17, 2012. Since that time lives in that once draught-stricken village and its people has significantly improved. Redeeming Africa has since assumed the responsibility of making sure this well remains operational for the benefit of the people by funding its frequent repairs and financially supporting the staff who operate the project. Thank you to Sister Janet Baker of Widows Mite Experience and Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). Our people now have clean and affordable water all year-round.

At our December 2016 Youth Empowerment Conference in Lutuni, Kenya, I noticed a crippled young lady in attendance. I later learned that her name was Agnes Musengy’a and that she had never walked since birth. I Immediately sensed the Holy Spirit prompting to acquire a wheelchair for her. I cherish those times when God places such needs before us with the sole aim of using us to demonstrate His tender care. Such was this moment.

Hence, we are delighted to report that, through the generosity of our faithful partners, today, Agnes has a wheelchair and doesn’t have to crawl on the dirt any longer. Emily presented to Agnes and her parents with this wheelchair during the Sunday worship service in Lutuni BCF on February 26, 2017. Also in attendance were our BCF pastors from Lutuni and Kanzoka and a host of other witnesses. Praise be to God for His faithfulness.

What we saw through our eyes of faith barely two years ago has become a reality. Our water well is now solar powered, thanks to our caring CBN family and its faithful partners. The cost of operating this well has been substantially reduced as a result of this new source of power. Now we can expand services to more families while improving on other agricultural projects like our drip irrigation system. In addition, the presence of the water project has created numerous opportunities for employment and open doors to win new souls to Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

On February 24th, a dedication ceremony for the solar power system was held at Lutuni village. Emily was present as well as CBN representatives from the USA and CBN local staff in Kenya. On that cloudless afternoon, the presence of God graced this occasion as prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God reverberated to the heavens. We are sincerely thankful to our CBN family and its partners for funding this project. Great is your reward here on earth as well as in heaven.

Naomi lived with her daughter-in-law Eunice and her two grandchildren in this mud hut. She couldn't afford to build a decent house after her son died tragically several years ago leaving behind his wife and four children. Redeeming Africa not only provided her with food, they purchased for her a new bed and all other essential items like blankets, sheets, pillows, etc. God placed it in our hearts to build Eunice and Naomi a more decent house.

Redeeming Africa was able to construct a decent house for Naomi, her daughter-in-law and her grandchildren. She now lives without the fear of suffering from cold, being invaded by snakes or being attacked or harmed at night by stray wildlife. “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done” Proverbs 19:17 (NIV).